Thank you to everyone for attending the curriculum sharing evening. We hope you found it helpful and gave you a better understanding of what to expect in year 2. We had a question about whether year 2 could participate in book shop and the answer is not yet – from year 3 and up!
On Monday we will be making houses for our History topic on the Great Fire of London. Please could children all bring in a box to paint – tissue boxes are ideal.
In art we will be painting portraits for the hall display and in science we will be investigating what is inside a seed.
In maths we are looking at numbers to 100 and in literacy we are focusing on punctuation and adjectives.
In preparation for the unpredictable weather we are having, could all children please bring a coat to school each day.
Mrs Skidmore and Miss Keski’s class will be swimming this week.
Thank you,
The Year 2 Team