Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week commencing 4th December

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 2! The decorations have gone up and we are looking forward to Christmas Jumper Day on Friday. Although we will still continue with lessons, a lot of the week will be spent putting the finishing touches to our nativity. The children have worked so hard to learn lines, song lyrics and dances and are looking forward to sharing their performance with you.

This week, we thought that it was best to share some Christmas activities so that the children can enjoy this magical time.

Christmas Jumper Designer (

Decorate the Christmas Tree (

Christmas Patterns (

Christmas Word Search for Kids • ABCya!

Musical Christmas wreath (Music Memory Game Similar to Simon) (

Have a great week!

The Year 2 team


Forest Camp on Thursday- Miss Stone’s class

Swimming on Tuesday- Mrs Hogan and Mrs Skidmore’s class

Book change- Tuesday and Friday

Christmas Jumper Day- Friday 8th December

Nativity to parents- Monday 11th December at 2pm and Tuesday 12th December at 9:30am


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