Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 20th November

Hello everyone!

Year 2 have had a busy week practising our Nativity songs and dances. We are so impressed with how many children already know their lines, please keep practising at home! This week we are going to start practising in the hall on the stage, which is very exciting!

We have been enjoying reading our new story ‘Dread cat’ in literacy. We came up with some exciting adjectives to describe Dread cat. In maths, we have been working hard on adding and subtracting tens. In PSHE, we have been talking about different emotions that we experience and thinking about situations we might feel these emotions in. If you would like to do more of this at home, there are some good videos here

Next week we will be creating poems about Dread cat. If you would like to learn some more about poetry at home, watch this video, On Wednesday, we are celebrating Christingle. We will have a special assembly, where we light our Christingles and sing songs.

Thank you,

The Year 2 Team.


Miss Stone’s class are going to forest camp on Thursday.

Mrs Skidmore/Mrs Hogan’s class are swimming on Tuesday.

Nativity costumes in school by the 1st of December please. If you need any help sourcing a costume, please speak to your child’s class teacher. We have lots of costumes at school!


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