Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 13th November

Next week, our Literacy will be based around a slightly longer book called ‘Dread Cat’. We will be using adjectives for description. If your child would like some to get ahead and work on their knowledge of using adjectives beforehand, why not try reading through this information and then completing the activities? What are adjectives? – BBC Bitesize

In Maths, we will be adding tens and then, later in the week, will build towards adding two digit numbers (that don’t cross ten). Here is a game that your child might enjoy (select Level 6) Subtraction Fruit Splat Game – 7 levels – Math Game (

In Geography children have been learning the names and location of the continents and the surrounding seas and oceans. They have enjoyed using atlases, globes and searching on google maps.

We will also be carrying on learning our nativity songs and will also start to practise in the hall too! Everyone should have brought home a costume list and any words they might need to learn. Do let us know if there are any problems as we have plenty of dressing up clothes to spare.

Friday is Children in Need and so we are going to be doing our bit by completing a daily ‘Bearpee’ challenge and will also be able to wear a spotty accessory. Donations will be collected at the gates on Friday.

The Year 2 team


Swimming-Mrs Skidmore and Mrs Hogan’s class

Forest Camp- Miss Stone’s class

Friday- Children in Need


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