Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 6th November

Last week, we continued to look at addition and subtraction. We enjoyed playing a few games to help us with adding one digit numbers at speed and some of the children asked that this one was shared as it was so much fun Alien Addition – Arcademics  We will continue to think about this next week as well as recapping on number bonds to 10 (numbers which go together to make 10 e.g. 3 and 7) and then number bonds to 20 (numbers which go together to make 20 e.g. 14 and 6) as knowing these can make addition and subtraction questions easier to answer. Here is some information and activities if your child wants to get ahead What are number bonds? – BBC Bitesize

In Literacy, we have been looking at the book ‘The Bog Baby’ and have designed our own creatures and created a setting. This will help us for when we write our own stories this week. Here is a link to the story if you fancy sharing it with your child THE BOG BABY | Jeanne Willis | Read aloud #storyoftheweek – YouTube

We celebrated ‘Outdoor Leaning Day’ as much as we could. We had planned to spent the whole day outside but sadly the weather had other plans!

As Christmas starts in November in primary schools, your child may have come home singing some of the songs from our Nativity! More information about this will be sent home soon so look out for letters in book bags.

We are looking forward to another great week!

The Year 2 team


Tuesday: Swimming for Mrs Skidmore/ Mrs Hogan’s class

Thursday: Forest Camp for children in Miss Stone’s class


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