Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 2

Hello Everyone!

Year 2 have had a lovely final week of term 1. We have enjoyed writing letters from the crayons to Duncan, from the story ‘The day the crayons quit’. We have also been learning about apostrophes. In maths we have been learning about bonds to 10 and 100 and fact families. We have worked hard to finish off our 1666 houses and loved finishing our character books in art.

After half term, we will be carrying on with our addition and subtraction unit in maths. In literacy, we are starting our new book ‘Bog Baby’. If you would like to listen to the story, here is a link to listen .We will be creating a story map and designing our own bog babies! We will also be starting our new Geography topic which is called ‘Wonderful world’ we will be exploring the seven continents of the world! If you would like to learn about the continents at home, there is a fun video to watch here In Science, we will begin to learn about materials and their uses.

Miss Stone’s class will be going to Forest camp.

Mrs Skidmore and Mrs Hogan’s class will be going swimming on Tuesdays.

Have a lovely half term,

The Year 2 Team.


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