Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 25th September

 We have a busy week ahead in Year 2 as the children have now settled into the full timetable. We will be starting our longer phonics sessions in literacy and the new Read, Write, inc. books will be coming home in a zipper wallet on Wednesday. Please support your child by helping them to “show off” the reading they will have been doing in lessons. Literacy at the end of the week will focus on a book called, “Beegu” which has lots of inspiration for our story writing.

In maths we will be continuing work on place value, this time using number lines to count in 10s and 1s and estimate where a number might be on a numberline. 

Both classes are enjoying using our computer suite and are learning to use Word. We are teaching them to type and change the font, size and colour of the text. This might be something fun for them to practise at home if you have access to anything similar.

In history we will be finding out how The Great Fire of London began and what made the fire spread.

Miss Stone’s  class will be swimming this week.


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