Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 11th September

Thank you for everyone who attended the curriculum sharing evening last week. Please do ask if you have any questions or concerns. There is a copy of our timetable in each child’s reading record book.

This week the children will be settling down to the new routines in Year 2. There will be short phonics groups and longer literacy sessions where the children will be learning about adjectives, similes and poetic language from a story called The Colour Monster. If you would like to share the story with them, here is a link BBC iPlayer – CBeebies Bedtime Stories – 856. Amy Dowden – The Colour Monster

Maths will be some revision and practical work on place value with numbers up 100. The key vocabulary that we will be using is tens, units, hundreds, smallest, biggest, numeral, total, multiple, more than, less than. If your child fancies recapping this at home (and earning a few team points along the way!), have a look at this link. Place value – Year 2 Maths – BBC Bitesize There are explanations and activities to try. Do let us know if your child had a go at home and we will be sure to award them some team points.

We will be starting a new history topic all about The Great Fire of London and learning about different seeds and how they grow in Science.

Please make sure children have their reading books in their book bags each day so that we can hear them read their books at any point during the week.

Miss Stone’s class will be swimming on Tuesday and Mrs Skidmore and Mrs Hogan’s Forest Camp groups will begin this Thursday.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or queries.

The Year 2 team



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