Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 1 Week 6 update

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Year 3 update. The weather is predictably starting to turn, so please make sure your children come with enough clothing to stay dry and warm. This week, we have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been preparing to write a report all about the rainforest. In […]

Term 1 Week 5 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. A slightly shorter week for your children, but at least the weather will be nice! This week, your children have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been working on our brand new topic of non-fiction reports. In maths, we have either been looking […]

Term 1 Week 4 update

Hello, and welcome to another Year 3 weekly update. It’s been a bit of a higgeldy-piggeldy week with Year 6 taking many members of staff with them to Woodlands, but generally speaking your children have managed very well with the change. This week, we have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been […]

Term 1 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly update from the classrooms of Year 3! After the excitement (if it can be called that!) of the OFSTED inspection last week, we have settled back into regular school life, continuing to help the children get used to life in Key Stage 2. This week, we have been up […]

Term 1 Week 2 update

Hello and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. As you may or may not be aware of, we have had a special visitor this week in the form of an OFSTED inspector. Although we are not able to share the outcome until the report is published, we are happy that the inspector saw the […]

Term 1 Week 1 update

Hello, and welcome to our first school update of the year! We will be posting these every Friday, with the aim of giving you a flavour of what your children have been up to in the week, alongside important information for the week ahead. Before we begin though, we hope you are as proud of […]

Hello from Year 3!

Hello, this is just a quick post to say how much we have enjoyed spending time with your children today. They did brilliantly, and you should be very proud of them. We also wanted to remind you that it is the Year 3 Curriculum Sharing evening at 5.45pm tomorrow (Wednesday 6th). This will be conducted […]

E-mail updates from the SCPS year 3 website

You are receiving this email because you signed up to get notifications from your child’s year group web page at SCPS. Your contact details have now been updated to show your child will be in Year 3 from September 2023. You receive an email each time the Y3 web page is updated by the Y3 […]