Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 3 Week 2 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 bulletin. Thankfully, we’ve all managed to stay safe and warm in the extremely cold weather, even in our Ancient Egypt Day costumes! Believe me, that is no mean feat. This week, your children have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been writing poems about […]

Welcome to Term 3!

Hello, and welcome to the first Year 3 update of 2024! We hope you enjoyed the break. Your children have settled back into school life beautifully, hitting the ground running! This week, we have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been looking at poetry. We particularly enjoyed what it is about a […]

Year 3 Christmas update!

Hello! This will be a very quick note to wish each and every one of you a very happy festive period! These past two terms have been gruelling at times, and yet your children have persevered with a positive, can-do attitude. They (and we) have earned a break! Kahoot! We played a couple of online […]

Term 2 Week 7 update

Hello, and welcome to (almost) the final Year 3 update of 2023! I think it would be fair to say that it’s been a gruelling week for everyone – particularly the grown-ups – but we have been impressed with how well your children have been powering through what has been a very long term. This […]

Term 2 Week 6 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. It’s been a bit of an odd week here, with Miss Green ill for the entire time! Fingers crossed she will be well enough to be back in the classroom by Monday, but her class have got on beautifully with Mrs. Robins at the helm. We […]

Term 2 Week 4 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update! We hope you will be able to attend the Christmas Fair on Saturday! In particular, keep an eye out for the Christmas hoops in the hall with beautiful Christmas stockings hanging off them. They were made by your children! This week, your children have been up […]

Term 2 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. Thank you so much for your contributions to our Children in Need collection, and for the various spotty items your children wore on Friday. It made for a lovely atmosphere. This week, your children have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been studying […]

Term 2 Week 2 update

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Year 3 update. It’s been great to see your children continuing to settle into the new term and Key Stage 2 in general. You should be proud! This week, your children have been up to the following: In literacy, we have been learning about play scripts by performing our […]

Term 2 Week 1 update

Hello, and welcome to the first Year 3 update of the term! Your children have settled into Term 2 beautifully, especially as Miss Green has been unwell for half of the week (don’t worry – she’ll be back on Monday!). They have dealt with the disruption brilliantly, and we are very proud of them. This […]

End of Term 1 update

Hello, and welcome to the final weekly Year 3 update of the term! It’s been quite a few weeks, particularly with our Ofsted visit right at the beginning (please check out the results of that inspection here), but your children have really been responding well to the extra demands that come with being in Key […]