Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 6 LAST FULL WEEK update!

Hello, and welcome to the final full-week update from the Year 3 team! It seems to be dawning on a few of the children that their time in Year 3 is almost at an end. So many of them have said that it has gone quickly, which we will take as a good sign! Time […]

Term 6 Week 5 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update! We’ve loved seeing all the wonderful facts and photos your children have brought in to help with the autobiographies they’re writing, so thank you for all your efforts in making that happen. This week, we’ve been up to the following: In literacy, we’ve been building up […]

Term 6 Week 4 update

Hello, and welcome to another Year 3 update. We’re very excited to see you many of you at the SCPS Summer Fair this Saturday afternoon. We’ve asked your children to consider helping us on the Year 3 stall for a little while. We know there is lots to more fun things to do and we […]

Term 6 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another Year 3 update. We have been gearing up for Sports Day, which is on Tuesday morning for KS2 (9.30am start). The forecast suggests that it’s going to be a scorcher, so please make sure that your child has their water bottle in school that day, as well as a sun […]

Term 6 Week 2 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. Bit of a tricky week in terms of the stomach bug that continues to rip through the year group, and so we appreciate your efforts in practising safe hygiene, following the 48-hour guidance, and generally keeping everyone safe. This week, your children have been up to […]

Term 6 Week 1 update

Hello, and welcome to your weekly Year 3 update! Only a few weeks to go until the summer holidays and your children become Year 4s! It is just as difficult to believe for us how quickly time has flown. It’s been Theme Week this week, and we hope your children have been coming home to […]

End of Term 5 update!

Hello, and welcome to the last post of the penultimate term! As difficult as it is to believe for us staff, your children will be entering the final term of Year 3 when they return after the holidays. It can be difficult to appreciate when you spend every day with these children how much they’ve […]

Term 5 Week 5 update

Hello, and welcome to another Year 3 update. This week, instead of having our usual Big Writes or Big Maths on Friday (where we spend the whole morning on those topics), we had Big DT! Or, to be more precise, Big Sandwich! We product-tested shop-bought sandwiches, explored what a healthy sandwich might contain, designed our […]

Term 5 Week 4 update

Hello, and thank you for having a look at this week’s Year 3 update. It’s been nice to have a glimpse of summer over the past few days, with the children even being able to spend a lunchtime on the field! We all feel excited and nervous about the prospect of this academic year come […]

Term 5 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. Lots of writing done this week ahead of our big Charlie and the Chocolate Factory diary entry, but your children have risen to the occasion! This week, we have been up to the following: In literacy, as mentioned, we have been writing diary entries as Charlie […]