Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. We’re really happy that our Ancient Egypt project seems to have captured the imagination of so many of our year! We’ve loved all the optional homework that has been brought in, and would be chuffed to see more in the two weeks we have before the end of term.
This week, your children have been up to the following:
- In literacy, we’ve spent our time really making sure the playscripts we wrote have been our absolute best work. Next week, we’ll be studying different types of poetry.
- In maths, we’ve been looking our times tables for the year: 3s, 4s and 8s.
- In geography, we learned the story of Howard Carter and his discovery of Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb. Next week, we’ll be finding out about some of the gods and goddesses that ancient Egyptians believed in.
- In computing, we (just about) finished off our online surveys in Google Forms. Next week, we’ll email them to each other and fill them out.
- In RE, we learned about why scripture is important in Islam, and how Muslims use the Quran. Next week, we’ll learn why the Bible is important to Christians.
PE and swimming
As well as PE for everyone on Monday, this week it’s the turn for Mr. Burrows’s class to go swimming. Miss Lunnon’s class should come to school on Tuesday in PE kit.
We hope you have a lovely weekend, and we will see your children bright and early on Monday morning.
The Year 3 team