Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 2 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update! Our guess is that sleep should come fairly easily to your children after the first full week of term. It certainly will for us!

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we’ve been looking at a picture book called I’ll Take You To Mrs Cole by Michael Foreman, and thinking about how to use speech marks. Next week, we’ll be looking at another Michael Foreman book: Dinosaurs And All That Business.
  • In maths, everyone has started looking at place value. This work will continue into next week.
  • In geography, we learned about where in the world rainforests are found. Ask your children if they can remember any countries that have rainforests in them!
  • In art, we started our unit on botanical drawing by trying to break down complicated objects into simple shapes.
  • In RE, we considered what we think a soul is. Does one exist? If so, what is it?

Swimming and PE

As well as PE for everyone on Monday, Miss Lunnon’s class is swimming on Tuesday afternoon. They should come to school in uniform and bring swimming kit with them. Mr. Burrows’s class will be doing PE, and so should come to school in PE kit.

Forest Camp

This is just a quick reminder of the Forest Camp groups for over the next few weeks:

Friday 20th Sep
Ella K, Tristan M, Joey Q, Emir R, Alexis S, John S-B, Myles S, Ella W, Sophie W, Alexander W, Samuel W, Adeline Y, Lucas Y, Wilfie Y
Friday 4th Oct 
Taraneh A-G, Joshua A, Sophie B, Chloe B, Tegan B, Anya C, Jessica C, Leo C, Amelia C, Ariel D, Alex D, Olivia G, Mia H, Mhairi R
Friday 11th Oct
Layla H-P, Toby J, Flavia M, Ellie P, Sam P, Daniel R, Miles R, Ocean S, Toby T, William V, Theo W, Fenix W-B
On the day of your child’s Forest Camp session:
  • They should come to school in their Forest Camp clothes: any long-sleeved top and trousers that you don’t mind getting dirty! Don’t worry about it looking like school uniform; whatever you have will be fine.
  • They need to wear their school shoes or clean trainers in the morning as they will be in the classroom as normal.
  • They need to bring wellies and waterproofs (in a separate bag) to wear in the afternoon.

Curriculum Sharing

Thank you to those of you who attended the Curriculum Sharing meeting on Wednesday. If you’ve forgotten anything or weren’t able to attend, a PDF of the presentation is available in the ‘Documents to download’ section of the Year 3 page on this site. There is also a timetable to download.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see your children bright and early on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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