Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 LAST FULL WEEK update!

Hello, and welcome to the final full-week update from the Year 3 team! It seems to be dawning on a few of the children that their time in Year 3 is almost at an end. So many of them have said that it has gone quickly, which we will take as a good sign! Time flies when you’re having fun, after all.

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been making our own story cubes and regaling each other with tales from them!
  • In maths, it’s been end of year assessment time!
  • In topic, we used our imaginations to think of what a train carriage of the future might look like.
  • In art, we finished off our abstract sculptures by painting them.
  • In computing, we finished off cutting and trimming the footage of our Newsround Sports Day reports.

PE and (no) swimming

PE will be as normal on Monday, but there will be no swimming on Thursday as school will have broken up by then!

Carrier bags

We will be giving your children quite a lot to bring home next week (school books, etc.), so it would be very helpful if you could send them to school with the carrier bag to put it all in. Thank you very much.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, and we will see your children bright and early in a couple of days for the final Monday morning of Year 3!

The Year 3 team


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