Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 Week 5 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update! We’ve loved seeing all the wonderful facts and photos your children have brought in to help with the autobiographies they’re writing, so thank you for all your efforts in making that happen.

This week, we’ve been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we’ve been building up to writing our autobiographies. Next week, we’ll be making book versions (that will include those lovely photos!)
  • In maths, we’ve either been looking at time, or recapping some of the learning we’ve been doing in Year 3 (like column addition and subtraction).
  • In history, we learned about the Metropolitan Railway in London, the first underground railway in the world. Next week, we’ll talk about how electrifying the railways improved conditions for passengers.
  • In art, we made some amazing large-scale sculptures. Next week, we’re going to paint them!
  • In science, using agricultural scientist George Washington Carver as inspiration, we continued to design an allotment for the school.

Magazines and newspapers for Year 2 transition morning

On Tuesday morning, we will running an art morning with the Year 2s and Year 3s to help the Year 2s with transitioning into Key Stage 2. As a result, if you have any spare magazines or newspapers that you’re happy for us to cut and rip up, please send them in with your children!

PE and swimming

As well as PE for everyone on Monday, Miss Green’s class will also have PE on Thursday. Mr. Burrows’s class will be going swimming, so please bring swimming kit.

We hope you have a lovely weekend, and we will see your children bright and early on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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