Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 5 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. A slightly shorter week for your children, but at least the weather will be nice!

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been working on our brand new topic of non-fiction reports.
  • In maths, we have either been looking at place value or addition & subtraction.
  • In geography, as well as looking the difference between the Amazon rainforest and Sherwood Forest, we also had a brilliant rainforest-themed visit from Zoolab!
  • In art, we combined frottage (texture rubbings) and collage to make some beautiful flower art.
  • In computing, we started to animate our Scratch creations.

Swimming and PE

This week, it will be the turn of Miss Green’s class to go swimming. Mr. Burrows’s class should come to school in PE kit. Also, please remember that it is also PE every Monday.

Forest Camp

This is the rearranged week for those children who missed out a couple of weeks ago. Please make sure that if your child is due to come to Forest Camp this Monday, they should come to school in a long-sleeved top and full-length bottoms (regardless of the weather). They should come to school in their school shoes and bring trainers or wellies to change into. Our advice is not to wear clothes that are too expensive or difficult to clean (or school uniform, of course)! If your child is not due to go to Forest Camp this week, they should come to school in PE kit.

Monday 9th October

Annabell A-C, Mia B, Nia B, William C, Phoebe D, Elodie D, Ellianna D, Natalie E, Rafael F, Darragh F, Alfie F, Kit G, Lottie H, Zachary H, Beau H.

More flyers!

Your children may well have brought home more flyers advertising the school’s second Open Afternoon on Friday 13th October. If you possibly can, distribute these to people might be interested in attending! We would also appreciate it if you could follow the school on Facebook and share our posts. Thank you!

We hope you have a lovely (long) weekend, and we will see your children on Monday.

The Year 3 team


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