Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 1 update

Hello, and welcome to our first school update of the year! We will be posting these every Friday, with the aim of giving you a flavour of what your children have been up to in the week, alongside important information for the week ahead. Before we begin though, we hope you are as proud of your children as we are with the way they have settled into Year 3 life! We are very excited by the prospect of spending the year with them, helping them to learn and grow.

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we looked at the Michael Foreman-illustrated story, I’ll Take You To Mrs. Cole.
  • In maths, we have started our unit on place value (i.e. understanding how numbers are formed and constructed).
  • In topic, we found out about where in the world rainforests are.
  • In PSHE, we discussed the word ‘family’ and how it can look different for all of us.
  • In computing, we thought about what makes good animation, with the view of creating our own in Scratch later this term.

Curriculum sharing

Thank you to those of you who attended our online Curriculum Sharing evening earlier this week. If you weren’t able to make it, the presentation we used is in the Downloads section of the Year 3 section of our website.

Picking up at the end of the day

This was mentioned in the Curriculum Sharing evening, but it is worth repeating. If you are picking up younger children from KS1, your Year 3 children will wait with teachers until you come to the KS2 playground. As teachers, it is part of our duty of care to keep your children safe until they are with you. The only exception to this is if your child has an older sibling who can pick them up.

Forest Camp

Over the next few Monday afternoons (starting with Monday 11th), Year 3 have the opportunity to go to Forest Camp. On the day your child is scheduled to go (lists are below), please make sure that they come to school in a long-sleeved top and full-length bottoms (regardless of the weather). They should come to school in their school shoes and bring trainers or wellies to change into. Our advice is not to wear clothes that are too expensive or difficult to clean (or school uniform, of course!).

Monday 11th

Sam A, Leonardo B, Gracie B, Ethan B, Paisley B, Robin B-M, Logan B, Harvey B, Jessica C, Quinn C, Arlo D, Noah D, Jack D, Darcie D, Georgie E.

Monday 18th

Theo G, Tilly H, Ava H, Julia M-L, Harlow M, Louie M, Jacob N, Freddie N, Riad R, Vivienne R-H, Nanaka S, Eliza S, Jack S, Casper T, Zac W.

Monday 25th

Annabell A-C, Mia B, Nia B, William C, Phoebe D, Elodie D, Ellianna D, Natalie E, Rafael F, Darragh F, Alfie F, Kit G, Lottie H, Zachary H, Beau H.

Monday 2nd October

Wilbur H, Maleek J-W, Sam M, Poppy N, Vitya P, Toby R, India S-B, Ethan T, Sam T, Harvey W-B, Henry V, Finn W, Albie W, Dino D.

Swimming and PE

Mr. Burrows wanted to express his thanks to parents for their help in sending children into school with swimming kit. It is very much appreciated! This Thursday, it will be Miss Green’s class’s turn to go swimming. Mr. Burrows’s class should come to school in PE kit. This is also a quick reminder that Year 3 has PE on Mondays, so your children should come to school in PE kit then, too.

Enjoy the late summer sunshine (stay cool!) and we will see your children bright and early on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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