Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 3 Week 5 update

A warm welcome to another weekly Year 3 update! Just one more week ago before half term, and considering how many colds and bugs seem to circulating around the school at the moment, perhaps it can’t come quick enough!

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been looking at different types of poems, such as tongue twisters and riddles. We also looked at a poem by ‘Britain’s tallest poet’, Andrew Fusek Peters. Next week, we’ll be crafting our own, thinking predominantly about alliteration, repetition and rhythm and rhyme.
  • In maths, we’re going to be spending next week thinking about even harder multiplication and division!
  • In history, we learned about some of the most famous Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Next week, we’ll be writing like Egyptians.
  • In computing, we finished our online surveys using Google Forms. Next week, we’ll be filling them all out and then studying the results!
  • In PSHE, we talked about the importance of resilience in our everyday lives.

PE and Swimming

As well as PE for everyone on Monday, this week it’ll be the turn of Miss Lunnon’s class to go swimming. Mr. Burrows’ class should come to school in PE kit on Tuesday.

Swimming in Term 4

This is advanced warning that Year 3 will not be swimming in Term 4. Years 4, 5 and 6 will be going to the pool to complete lifesaving sessions, which means that there won’t be a slot for us. Rest assured, though – Year 3 will be swimming again in Terms 5 and 6.

We hope you have a lovely weekend, and we will see your children on Monday morning for the start of the last week of term!

The Year 3 team

P.S. Mr. Burrows was listening to the Horrible Histories podcast last weekend (because he knows how to unwind), and he heard a really good episode about Tutankhamun. It’s 15 minutes long, it is informative and it has lots of toilet humour. What could go wrong?! The link for a browser is here, or you can find it on BBC Sounds.


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