Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. The children have continued to settle into the new challenges of KS2, although we know this can be extremely difficult and tiring for some. We have noticed that many of your children are running on fumes come Friday morning! Please rest assured that this is completely natural, and their stamina will grow over the year. Please support them by making sure they have plenty of sleep and have a healthy snack to eat at breaktime.

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been studying another book by Michael Foreman, called Dinosaurs And All That Rubbish. We will continue with this next week, building up to an extended piece of writing (a setting description).
  • In maths, we are all looking at place value, passing through number lines, partitioning and the hundreds digit.
  • In geography, we learned about the rainforest climate and how it compares with our own. Next week, we’ll be learning about the layers of the rainforest.
  • In outdoor PE, the children have been doing hockey with Coach Joe. Indoor PE is rainforest-themed dance.
  • In computing, we have been storyboarding our animation ideas. Next week, we’ll start to make them using a program called Scratch.

PE and swimming

As well as PE for all on Monday, Mr. Burrows’s class will be swimming on Tuesday and Miss Lunnon’s class will be having indoor PE.


This is a reminder that the school has an INSET day on Friday 27th September, and so it will be closed to children.

Forest Camp

Friday 4th Oct 
Taraneh A-G, Joshua A, Sophie B, Chloe B, Tegan B, Anya C, Jessica C, Leo C, Amelia C, Ariel D, Alex D, Olivia G, Mia H, Mhairi R
Friday 11th Oct
Layla H-P, Toby J, Flavia M, Ellie P, Sam P, Daniel R, Miles R, Ocean S, Toby T, William V, Theo W, Fenix W-B
On the day of your child’s Forest Camp session:
  • They should come to school in their Forest Camp clothes: any long-sleeved top and trousers that you don’t mind getting dirty! Don’t worry about it looking like school uniform; whatever you have will be fine.
  • They need to wear their school shoes or clean trainers in the morning as they will be in the classroom as normal.
  • They need to bring wellies and waterproofs (in a separate bag) to wear in the afternoon.

We hope there is at least a little bit of sunshine for you over the weekend, and we will see your children bright and early on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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