Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 1 update

Hello, and welcome to the first of this year’s weekly Year 3 updates. Every Friday, there will be a post like this, briefly informing you of what we have been up to this week and what we’ll be doing next week. There will also be reminders and notices where necessary. We hope this proves useful to you!

This week (or, at least, part of it), your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we wrote a paragraph about ourselves and learned about using commas in a list. Next week, we’ll be looking at the classic Michael Foreman book, I’ll Take You To Mrs Cole.
  • In maths, we have spent the week understanding everyone’s knowledge levels so that they will be in the group best suited to them. Next week, we will get going with our first topic – place value!
  • In geography, we learned how to draw a toucan using the YouTube channel, Draw With Rob. Have a look if you (or your child) is at a loose end – it’s great! Next week, we’ll be learning about the different layers of the rainforest.
  • In PSHE, we discussed how it can be helpful sometimes to describe our feelings like ‘inside weather’. For example, if you’re feeling sunny inside, it probably means you’re feeling happy.

PE and swimming

Outdoor PE will be on Monday afternoons for all children in Year 3. We have a weekly rota on Tuesday afternoons, where one class will be swimming (and therefore should come to school wearing uniform) and the other will have indoor PE (and therefore should come to school in PE kit). Mr. Burrows’s class will be swimming this Tuesday and Miss Lunnon’s class will have PE.

Homework diaries/planners

Your children should have brought home their planners yesterday evening. This is obviously a new thing for some parents, so Mr. Burrows has put together a short video explaining how they should be used. You can find it here:

We would really appreciate it if you can make sure that planners come to school every day.

Forest Camp

Year 3 will soon be going to Forest Camp again! The rota is below.

On the day of your child’s Forest Camp session:

  • They may come to school in their Forest Camp clothes: any long-sleeved top and trousers that you don’t mind getting dirty!
  • They need to wear their school shoes or clean trainers in the morning as they will be in the classroom as normal.
  • They need to bring wellies and waterproofs (in a separate bag) to wear in the afternoon.

Friday 13th Sep

Bailey B, Florence C, Flo C, Evie C, Max C, Chloe C, Jesse D, Eliza E, Forest G, Rhys H, Phoebe H, Luke J, Noah J

Friday 20th Sep

Ella K, Tristan M, Joey Q, Emir R, Alexis S, John S-B, Myles S, Ella W, Sophie W, Alexander W, Samuel W, Adeline Y, Lucas Y, Wilfie Y

Friday 4th Oct 

Taraneh A-G, Joshua A, Sophie B, Chloe B, Tegan B, Anya C, Jessica C, Leo C, Amelia C, Ariel D, Alex D, Olivia G, Mia H

Friday 11th Oct

Layla H-P, Toby J, Flavia M, Ellie P, Sam P, Mhairi R, Daniel R, Miles R, Ocean S, Toby T, William V, Theo W, Fenix W-B

Curriculum sharing

Finally, this is just a quick reminder about our Curriculum Sharing meeting, that will take place online at 5.30pm on Wednesday 11th September. It should last no longer than half an hour. You will be emailed a link closer to the time.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing your children bright and early on Monday morning!

The Year 3 team


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