Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another Year 3 update. We have been gearing up for Sports Day, which is on Tuesday morning for KS2 (9.30am start). The forecast suggests that it’s going to be a scorcher, so please make sure that your child has their water bottle in school that day, as well as a sun hat. If you have the chance to put sun cream on them before arriving, that would also be great.

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been working on building up a newspaper report based on The Hodgeheg. We’ll finish that at the beginning of next week, and then we’ll be looking at biographies.
  • In maths, we have either been finishing off mass and capacity or spending time with shapes. It’ll either be statistics or time next week!
  • In history, we were back on the railways. We learned about the Rainhill Trials, and George Stephenson’s Rocket. Next week, we’ll be looking at how the railway network exploded during the Industrial Revolution, and how that affected the people.
  • In PSHE, we continued our work on financial wellbeing, by talking about budgeting. Next week, we’ll explore our feelings about money.
  • In computing, we planned out Newsround-style film reports about Sports Day. Next week, we’ll be filming them!

PE, swimming and Sports Day

As well as PE for all on Monday, children need to come to school in PE kit on Tuesday as well, for Sports Day. On Thursday, it’ll be Mr. Burrows’s class that goes swimming, and so Miss Green’s class should come to school in PE kit (again).

Enjoy the sunshine, and we will see your children bright and early on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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