Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 Week 2 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. Bit of a tricky week in terms of the stomach bug that continues to rip through the year group, and so we appreciate your efforts in practising safe hygiene, following the 48-hour guidance, and generally keeping everyone safe.

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been reading the Dick King-Smith classic, The Hodgeheg. Next week, we will be turning one of the big events of the story into a newspaper report.
  • In maths, we have either been looking at time or mass & capacity. Next week, it’s more of the time!
  • In history (the railways), we were learning about how steam engine technology works. Next week, we’ll be finding out about the Rainhill Trials.
  • In computing, we discussed our task for the term: making films for Newsround about SCPS Sports Day. Next week, we’ll be planning them.
  • In art, as part of our abstract sculpture unit, we explored different ways of joining materials together. Next week, we’ll take a break from that to produce some Japanese-themed art to put up in the hall ready for the Summer Fair. Keep an eye out for that!

PE and swimming

As well as PE for everyone on Monday, Mr. Burrows’s class should come to school in PE kit on Thursday. Miss Green’s class will go swimming this week, and it will be a water safety session. Everyone must bring long sleeved pyjamas and their costumes on that day.

We hope you have a relaxed (and partially dry) weekend, and we will see your children on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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