Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 6 Week 1 update

Hello, and welcome to your weekly Year 3 update! Only a few weeks to go until the summer holidays and your children become Year 4s! It is just as difficult to believe for us how quickly time has flown.

It’s been Theme Week this week, and we hope your children have been coming home to tell you all about it. The theme has been ‘careers and jobs’, and we’ve been treated to some amazing visitors:

  • On Monday, we were visited by Dr Jay, who is an airline pilot! We also spent some time thinking about engineering, particularly structural…and what better way to display their talents than build the tallest tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows! It got a bit messy…
  • On Tuesday, we met Rihanna, who is a firefighter. She showed us the BA shuffle (ask your children if they remember what it is), and we did some parading.
  • On Wednesday, Mr. Burrows talked to us about a job he did before becoming a teacher (and still does a bit of today): film making and editing! The children had a go at editing their own film, by rearranging some teachers reading a page of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory into the right order.
  • On Thursday, we were visited by Dani, who works for the British Museum in London. After a short time as an archaeologist focusing on Roman antiquities, she now works in the museum’s marketing department. We learned a bit about stratigraphy, and make some excellent posters.
  • On Friday, we were treated to a performance by Cara, who is a concert cellist. She told us all what life as a musician is like, as well as what qualities you need to have to be successful in that profession.

We hope your children have been discussing these visits with you, and hopefully have inspired by one or more of them! Back to a normal week next week.

PE and swimming

As well as PE for everyone on Monday, Miss Green’s class should come to school in PE kit on Thursday. Mr. Burrows’s class will go swimming this week, and it will be a water safety session. Everyone must bring long sleeved pyjamas and their costumes on that day.

Thank you, and have a lovely weekend.

The Year 3 team


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