Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

End of Term 5 update!

Hello, and welcome to the last post of the penultimate term! As difficult as it is to believe for us staff, your children will be entering the final term of Year 3 when they return after the holidays. It can be difficult to appreciate when you spend every day with these children how much they’ve grown and matured since September, but we can promise you that they have made some massive leaps, both academically and personally. You should be very proud.

This week, we have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been using the Botswanan folktale, The Enchantress of the Sands, as a base for some drama and acting. When we come back after half term, we’ll be writing some newspaper reports based on the Dick King Smith classic, The Hodgeheg.
  • In maths, we have either been finishing off shapes and angles or fractions. Next term, we’ll be kicking off with either mass and capacity or time.
  • In geography, we finished off our posters about time zones and other aspects of this term’s learning. They are currently displayed in the Year 3 cloakroom. Next term’s history topic is about the railways.
  • In computing, we had a go at making Powerpoint presentation using the information we’d gathered from our online surveys. Next term, we’ll be making films about sports day.
  • In DT, we evaluated our packaging prototypes. Next term is an art unit, so we’ll be becoming sculptors!

PE and swimming

Hopefully you will have received a Term 6 swimming rota via the office. Please get in touch with the office if you haven’t. PE is still for everyone on Monday afternoons. On Thursday, Miss Green’s class should bring swimming kits and Mr. Burrows’s class should come to school in PE kit.

All that’s left is to wish you a happy and restful break, and we will see your children bright and early on the morning of Monday 3rd June!

The Year 3 team


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