Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 5 Week 5 update

Hello, and welcome to another Year 3 update. This week, instead of having our usual Big Writes or Big Maths on Friday (where we spend the whole morning on those topics), we had Big DT! Or, to be more precise, Big Sandwich! We product-tested shop-bought sandwiches, explored what a healthy sandwich might contain, designed our own and then made them. Oh, and ate them, of course! The children did brilliantly (particularly with their bravery at trying unfamiliar flavours), and created some great sandwiches. If you’re feeling peckish over the weekend, have a go at getting them to make one for you!

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been studying folktales, in particular a story from Botswana called The Enchantress of the Sands. Next week, we’ll be looking to perform parts of it.
  • In maths, we have either been finishing off mass and capacity, or looking at different types of angles. Next week, it will either be more fractions (looking at problems like this) or exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
  • In topic (which this term is geography), we have been making informative posters about different aspects of our learning this term (so, the equator, longitude and latitude and time zones). We’ll be completing these next week.
  • In DT, as well as Big Sandwich(!), we have been making prototypes of the product packaging we designed. Next week, we’ll be evaluating our creations.
  • In computing, we answered all the online surveys the rest of the year group has been creating. Next week, we’ll be making presentations with the data from these answers.

Swimming and PE

As well as PE for everyone on Friday, Mr. Burrows’s class will be going swimming on Thursday. Miss Green’s class should come to school on Thursday in PE kit.

We hope you have a lovely weekend, and will see your children on Monday morning for the last week of Term 5!

The Year 3 team


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