Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 3 update

Hello, and welcome to another weekly update from the classrooms of Year 3! After the excitement (if it can be called that!) of the OFSTED inspection last week, we have settled back into regular school life, continuing to help the children get used to life in Key Stage 2.

This week, we have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been looking at another Michael Foreman classic, Dinosaurs And All That Junk. Next week, we will be writing an extended piece of writing about it.
  • In maths, we have been looking at place value, partitioning and comparing numbers.
  • In our geography topic, we have been learning about the layers of the rainforest. Test your children!
  • In art, believe it or not, we have been designing our PTA Christmas cards, ready for you to purchase closer to the time!
  • In PSHE, we discussed bullying. What is it? What is it not? What can we do to help stop it?

Help spread the word!

On Tuesday 3rd October and Friday 13th October, the school will be running open afternoons for the parents whose children will be starting school in September 2024. We need your help to spread the word! Your children will be bringing home a few flyers on Tuesday or Wednesday next week, and we would really appreciate it if you could distribute them to friends and neighbours. We are particularly trying to target the new housing, and of course Caversham and Emmer Green, as well as the village. Packs will also be available to take from the office if you wanted to help even more with that. Thanks for your help and support.


With our currently very unpredictable weather, please make sure you send your children into school with a raincoat.

Swimming and PE

This week, it is Miss Green’s class’s turn to go swimming. Mr. Burrows’s class should come to school in PE kit.

Forest Camp

This Monday, the first half of Miss Green’s class will go to Forest Camp. The other half should come to school in PE kit. Please make sure that if your child is due to come to Forest Camp on Monday, they should come to school in a long-sleeved top and full-length bottoms (regardless of the weather). They should come to school in their school shoes and bring trainers or wellies to change into. Our advice is not to wear clothes that are too expensive or difficult to clean (or school uniform, of course)!

Monday 25th

Annabell A-C, Mia B, Nia B, William C, Phoebe D, Elodie D, Ellianna D, Natalie E, Rafael F, Darragh F, Alfie F, Kit G, Lottie H, Zachary H, Beau H.

Monday 2nd October

Wilbur H, Maleek J-W, Sam M, Poppy N, Vitya P, Toby R, India S-B, Ethan T, Sam T, Harvey W-B, Henry V, Finn W, Albie W, Dino D.

Thank you for your continued support! Have a lovely weekend, and we will see your children on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team


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