Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 Week 2 update

Hello and welcome to another weekly Year 3 update. As you may or may not be aware of, we have had a special visitor this week in the form of an OFSTED inspector. Although we are not able to share the outcome until the report is published, we are happy that the inspector saw the school as we wanted it to be seen. Your children were obviously an integral part of that, so thank you.

This week, your children have been up to the following:

  • In literacy, we have been writing a follow-up chapter to I’ll Take You To Mrs. Cole, using the brand new punctuation we’ve learned – speech marks.
  • In maths, we have been learning about partitioning.
  • In geography, we performed weather forecasts from far-flung places that contain rainforests (spoiler: they’re hot and wet!).
  • In RE, we discussed the main beliefs of Christianity and, in particular, the Ten Commandments.
  • In computing, we put together storyboards of our animations. Next week, we’ll start making them!

Swimming and PE

This Thursday, it will be the turn of Mr. Burrows’s class to go swimming. Miss Green’s class should come to school in PE kit. Please also remember that it is also PE on Monday afternoons, so everyone should be come to school in PE kit. Unless…

Forest Camp

This Monday, the second half of Mr. Burrows’s class will go to Forest Camp. The other half (those not mentioned below) should come to school in PE kit. Please make sure that if your child is due to come to Forest Camp on Monday, they should come to school in a long-sleeved top and full-length bottoms (regardless of the weather). They should come to school in their school shoes and bring trainers or wellies to change into. Our advice is not to wear clothes that are too expensive or difficult to clean (or school uniform, of course)!

Monday 18th

Theo G, Tilly H, Ava H, Julia M-L, Harlow M, Louie M, Jacob N, Freddie N, Riad R, Vivienne R-H, Nanaka S, Eliza S, Jack S, Casper T, Zac W.

Monday 25th

Annabell A-C, Mia B, Nia B, William C, Phoebe D, Elodie D, Ellianna D, Natalie E, Rafael F, Darragh F, Alfie F, Kit G, Lottie H, Zachary H, Beau H.

Monday 2nd October

Wilbur H, Maleek J-W, Sam M, Poppy N, Vitya P, Toby R, India S-B, Ethan T, Sam T, Harvey W-B, Henry V, Finn W, Albie W, Dino D.

We hope you have a lovely weekend (the teachers have certainly earned a rest after this week, believe me!), and we look forward to seeing your children bright and early on Monday morning.

The Year 3 team



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