Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Welcome to Term 3 and 2024

Welcome to Term 3. We hope you all had a well deserved break over Christmas and of course – Happy New Year! So far this year the children have impressed us with their return to life in year six. We have started to look at our history unit – World War Two. This will be […]

Woodlands 2023 – Thursday

One group canoeing, two groups walking.  Two groups climbing.  Vegetable pasta bake and Viennetta. Viennetta? Yes Viennetta.  Rarely seen since the 1970s, but still just as good as ever!  Sold to the children as ‘ice-cream lasagne,’ which is a fair description actually. So Thursday is done, and we’re nearly there. The vibes today have been […]

Woodlands 2023 – Wednesday

The truth is that a Woodlands Wednesday is a little like a Woodlands Tuesday. Groups go out, do things, and then come back. The difference today was the weather, in particular the edge of Storm Agnes. In truth we were lucky, but the impending gale force winds made the high ropes course impossible, so three […]

Woodlands 2023 – Tuesday

Today saw the groups out on the full activity programme on offer here at Woodlands.  Groups 1 and 3 were caving, Groups 2 and 5 were canoeing, and Group 4 was on site experiencing the Jungle Gym and climbing wall.  The caving groups had a long hike along the escarpment into the Eglwys Faen cave […]

Secondary school applications

Applications are now open for Year 6 children moving to Year 7 at secondary school in September 2024. Families and carers (who live in Oxfordshire) should now apply online at: OCC Secondary Admissions. If you are unable to apply online you can can submit a paper form: CAF (SECONDARY) 2024, by scanning/photographing and emailing to: […]

Woodlands 2023 – Monday

We had an excellent journey down this morning – a brief scenic stop at Leigh Delamere services but otherwise straight through.  On arrival, the children met Dylan, our Course Director for the week. Dylan and his colleagues read out the dormitory list, and the children got acquainted with their rooms and facilities. ‘Unpacking’ is perhaps […]

Woodlands – arrived

Fantastic journey down and some watery Welsh sunshine to welcome us. We’ve had lunch and are just being shown around the site. Will update you with a brief report at about 10.00pm this evening.

Parent Information Evening Notes

For anyone who missed it, or for anyone looking for a reminder of what was said, here are the notes from the meeting. Y6 2023 to 2024 Curriculum Sharing Evening

Resources for parents to help with move to secondary schools

A booklet has been developed by the Anna Freud Centre giving tips about how children preparing for the transition to secondary school can best be supported by their parents and carers.  It includes guidance which explains why the transition can be difficult for some children, and practical advice such as talking and connecting with the […]

E-mail updates from SCPS Year 6 website

You are receiving this email because you signed up to get notifications from your child’s year group web page at SCPS. Your contact details have now been updated to show your child will be in Year 6 from September 2023. You receive an email each time the Y6 web page is updated by the Y6 […]