Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Term 3 Week 6

We will be covering the following over the next week: Literacy – Next week, we will plan and write our final assessed piece of the term. This piece will focus on biography writing and the use of the passive voice. Maths – Having completed their work on algebra with gusto this week, Mr Witcomb’s class […]

Term 3 Week 5

Literacy – Next week, we will complete some SATs reading papers and work on strategies for answering inference questions. Maths – After a challenging week of tests, both groups will return to their topics. Mr. Foley’s group will focus on ratio and proportion, while Mr. Witcomb’s group will complete their work on algebra. History – […]

Term 3 Week 4

Literacy – Next week, we will finish our horror-themed ‘Big Write’ and work on spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills. Maths – Next week will be an assessment week for both groups. Children will take the arithmetic paper and two reasoning papers, each on a different day. PSHE – Year 6 will continue exploring economic well-being […]

Term 3 Week 3

Literacy – Next week, we will continue preparing for our upcoming ‘Big Write’. The children have read the source material, a story about two naughty girls and a kind shop owner, and will be re-imagining the story in the horror genre. Maths – Next week, Mr Witcomb’s group will finish a unit on ratio and […]

Term 3 Weeks 1 and 2

Literacy – This week, the children have been working on reading comprehension skills in pairs and small groups. Next week, we will focus on speech punctuation and begin reading the source material for the first of two assessed writing pieces this term. Maths – This week, Mr. Foley’s maths group has been working on multiplying […]

Term 2 Week 5

  Science – This week, we will continue our unit on light. Both classes will learn about refraction and explore some of the fascinating illusions it can create.   Supporting the school on social media As you may or may not have realised, the school has recently started making a real push with marketing itself on […]

Term 2 Week 4

Literacy – This week, we will be writing setting descriptions using an image as inspiration. We will focus on vibrant, detailed descriptions, as well as the use of hyphens and prepositional phrases. Maths – Both groups will continue working on fractions. Mr. Foley’s group will focus on adding and subtracting fractions, including mixed numbers, while […]

Activities for Monday 18th November

KS2 Activities for Closure Day: In light of our school closing for the day, due to no water, here are some activities that you can try at home. This is also a good opportunity to complete some Spelling Shed, Rock Stars or Nessy as well as reading a good book! Please note that the activities […]

Term 2 Week 3

Literacy – Week three will provide another opportunity for the children to attempt a past SATs paper. The first part of the week will be devoted to assessment techniques and guidance on answering longer, 3-mark questions. Maths – Both groups will continue working on adding and subtracting fractions, including mixed number fractions. Science – Both […]

Term 2 Week 1 and 2

Literacy – The first two weeks of this term will focus on preparing for and writing information texts on sea creatures. Each child will choose one of five options and create a fact file, with the option to explore further details on a specific animal. Maths – This week, both groups have transitioned from large […]