Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Forest Camp Monday 10th June 2024

A reminder that those going to Forest Camp on Monday are: Molly, Max M, Joseph, Vlad, Redin, J J, Tolly, Freya, Grace, Anushka, Maria, Jack T, Gabriel, Bruno, George

End of Term 5

A massive well done to all the children on their dedication and efforts put into their SATS tests. We could not be any prouder of them. The Year 6 team would like to wish them a well-earned, restful half term break. A quick reminder: both classes have a day at the Eyot Centre in June. […]

Y6 French Plays

Madame Baillie is very impressed and super proud of our Year 6 pupils for putting on the most incredible plays, all performed in French! On Thursday 25th April, the Y6 children performed four plays to their families, all modern day takes on traditional fairy tales. It was a fantastic evening, and the children did themselves […]

Term 4 Week 4

Another excellent week in Year 6. The children have again been working their socks off with SATS preparation and we have seen some brilliant progress in Maths. In Literacy we have been working on World War Two Leaflets, summarising all they have learnt since the beginning of Term 3. A reminder that Mr Foley’s class […]

Term 4 Week 3

We are now half way through term 4. The children have continued working hard in Maths and English, as well as enjoying their World War 2 lessons. They have recently made Anderson style shelters and have learnt about the life of Anne Frank. Mr Foley’s class will start their lifesaving lessons on Tuesday. Please bring […]

Term 4 Week 1

Welcome to Term 4. Your children are continuing to work hard this week especially with their writing and maths – well done all! We have also continued our World War Two studies with a lesson about the Blitz and the children are getting excited about the upcoming French plays. Swimming has started with those in […]

End of Term 3

As we reach the end of term 3, your children have worked incredibly hard in the last few weeks. We are pleased with their progress and their attitude to their learning. We hope they have a well-deserved half term break! Next term, your children will have afternoon swimming lessons in our school pool, looking at […]

Term 3 Week 4

This week your children have impressed us with both their horror narrative writing and biography writing. They have also enjoyed continuing to learn about World War Two – this week we looked at the Battle of Britain. Finally, the children have a workshop with local charity Sport in Mind on Friday afternoon. Could they please […]

6RS Forest Camp reminder

The following children from Mrs Salmons’ class have Forest Camp tomorrow afternoon (29th January): George, Ella-Lily, Elsie, Jack H, Sophie, Gabriel, Eva, Zac, Xavi, Joe, Will W, Jake W, Thomas Y, Maria, Anushka

Art and Forest Camp

A couple of requests: We are looking to start a new art project for this term. We require as many shoe boxes as possible to create memory sculptures. If you have any lying around we would very much appreciate them! The children in Mrs Salmons’/Fox’s class will be having a forest camp session either Monday […]