Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week beginning 4th March

March! Spring at last, so let’s hope for lots more sunshine! Thank you for sending in tubes and card in preparation for STEM Week next week, we are still collecting. This week we will be continuing our work on space explorers by making  fact files on Neil Armstrong and doing some descriptive writing about a […]

Week beginning 26th February

Our theme this term for history is space explorers, so this week we will be discussing what we would like to find out about Neil Armstrong and beginning to make a fact file about him. Alongside this we will do some work on using question marks and question words. Maths this week is moving on […]

Week beginning 5th February

A very busy week ahead this week!  In literacy we will be assessing and regrouping all the children in phonics ready for next term, and writing the story of the Three Little Pigs. In maths we will be looking at doubles, near doubles and subtraction. This is another week where Hit the Button will be […]

Week beginning 29th January

This week in literacy we will be practising retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs (acting it out, drawing a map etc) in preparation for retelling it in writing next week. Thank you for your continued support with your children’s reading, we can really see the difference that it is making! In maths we […]

Week beginning 22nd January

This week in literacy we will be continuing our fairytale theme by describing the character of the Big Bad Wolf  in preparation for retelling the story later this term. We will also be learning about suffixes. In maths we will be comparing numbers to twenty using language such as more than/greater than, less than/fewer than […]

Week beginning 15th January

Welcome to a new term, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas! This term we will begin working on joined up handwriting by teaching the children how to form each letter starting on the line. This website shows examples of how the letters are formed: We will also be using Spelling Shed to […]

Week beginning 11th December

Thank you for sending the Nativity costumes in, we appreciate that there is a lot going on at this time of year! This week will be super-busy for us too: we will be doing a combination of Nativity, making Christmas cards, lots of assessments and some new learning about winter and hibernation. Our KS1 Nativity […]

Week beginning 27th November

This week we will be writing our letters to Santa and making masks to go with our sheep costumes. Costumes should be sent in this week (white T-shirt with white trousers/leggings or tights) in a named bag. If you are having any difficulties finding things, please let us know and we can suggest alternatives. Maths […]

Week beginning 13th November

On Friday we sent home some questionnaires in the children’s book bags to help them learn more about the kinds of toys that their parents and grandparents played with. Please could you fill in the questionnaire and talk to your child about the toys you enjoyed as a child (it’s a good opportunity to share […]

Week beginning 6th November

Dear Parents/Carers, We hope you had a lovely half term, and have enjoyed the celebrations during week 1 of term 2: Halloween and Bonfire Night. On Monday we had a action packed day with our ‘History of Toys’ workshop. The children had the opportunity to explore lots of different toys from the past in our […]