Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week beginning 18th November

This week begins with our ‘Toys Day’ workshop on Monday. Thank you so much to the parents who have agreed to help out! As the workshop takes all day there will be no Forest Camp session for Miss Bartlett’s class this week. We will also be sending home a questionnaire for parents and grandparents about […]

Week beginning 11th November

Welcome to the new – very busy – term! The children seemed to have coped really well with the class changes, but please do let us know if you have any concerns. Our topic for this term is ‘Toys’, and this week we will be talking about the children’s own favourite toys (they don’t need […]

Week beginning 21st October

This week we will be doing phonics and maths assessments to group the children ready for next term. Thank you all for your support in reading with the children at home – it really makes a difference. In maths we will be doing lots of practical shape-related activities: building 3D shapes from card and construction […]

Week beginning 14th October

This week we are going to be taking a closer look at autumn and the kinds of things that we see going on around us at this time of year: changes in the weather, daylight, for us and what we wear outside, and for the plants and animals who live alongside us. We will making […]

Week beginning 7th October

It’s getting all autumnal now isn’t it? Conkers, wet leaves and drizzle! This week the children will continue making observations of the weather and looking at the dangers of different types of weather. We will also be talking about seasonal change and what to look for in different seasons and making leaf rubbings. We will […]

Week beginning 30th September

This week in maths we will be comparing numbers using language such as more than, greater than, less than, smaller than and equal to. We will also being learning some of the symbols that are used to represent these words <, >, and =. We will also be having an arty week, brightening up year […]

Week beginning 23rd September

Thank you so much for all the lovely baby pics, what a cute bunch they all were! This week we will be starting our longer phonics sessions and most children will be bringing home Read, Write Inc. reading books on Wednesday. If your child is not yet at the stage where a reading book is […]

Week beginning 16th September

Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our Curriculum Sharing meeting last Thursday. The power point presentation and notes from the meeting are now on the documents page of the Year 1 section of the website for you, if you were unable to attend. Paper copies can be provided to those […]

Week beginning 9th September

Welcome to Year ! Your children all coped really well with their first three days last week – we were very impressed! We are looking forward to seeing you at our Curriculum Sharing meeting on Thursday at 5.30pm – a link should be sent home in the next couple of days for you to join […]

E-mail updates from the SCPS year 1 website

You are receiving this email because you signed up to get notifications from your child’s year group web page at SCPS. Your contact details have now been updated to show your child will be in Year 1 from September 2024. You receive an email each time the Y1 web page is updated by the Y1 […]