Week beginning 20th January
Having practised our pig/wolf drawing skills last week, this week we will be describing the different characters in the story, and in particular the character of the Big Bad Wolf! Every morning, when they arrive, the children are now writing a sentence to go with a picture so they get lots of practise in remembering […]
Week beginning 13th January
Welcome back and Happy New Year! This term our focus will be on traditional tales like the Three Little Pigs in literacy, as we learn to retell familiar stories, draw story maps and talk about and draw the different characters. In handwriting we will be learning to form letters with join lines in preparation for […]
Protected: Y1 and Y2 Nativity
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Week beginning 16th December
The last week of term is upon us! Nativity performances on Monday afternoon at 1.45pm and Tuesday morning at 9.30am. Christmas lunch is on Wednesday – along with our last buddying time before Christmas! Although Year 1 are not involved, do please come along and enjoy our carol concert on Thursday evening. During the week […]
Week beginning 2nd December
Lots of Nativity practise this week! The costumes (white t-shirt and dark leggings/trousers) will need to be in school in a named bag by Thursday 5th so that we are ready for the dress rehearsal next week. Thank you for your continued support with reading – it makes such a difference. The children are given […]
Week beginning 25th November
A very busy week ahead! This week we will be making Christingles for our assembly on Wednesday, as well as a lot of singing and dancing practise for the KS1 Nativity. Year 1 play a relatively small part in the play – we may well come in, do our song and dance and leave, as […]
Activities for Monday 18th November
Kites & Year 1 Phonics: Practise writing your sounds from Miss Worlock’s video This week we are looking at Light and Dark! Activity 1: Watch & Listen to Night Monkey Day Monkey Can you have a go at drawing a monkey using this to help? Activity 2: This week we are sharing. When it is time […]
Week beginning 18th November
This week begins with our ‘Toys Day’ workshop on Monday. Thank you so much to the parents who have agreed to help out! As the workshop takes all day there will be no Forest Camp session for Miss Bartlett’s class this week. We will also be sending home a questionnaire for parents and grandparents about […]
Week beginning 11th November
Welcome to the new – very busy – term! The children seemed to have coped really well with the class changes, but please do let us know if you have any concerns. Our topic for this term is ‘Toys’, and this week we will be talking about the children’s own favourite toys (they don’t need […]
Week beginning 21st October
This week we will be doing phonics and maths assessments to group the children ready for next term. Thank you all for your support in reading with the children at home – it really makes a difference. In maths we will be doing lots of practical shape-related activities: building 3D shapes from card and construction […]