Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week beginning 1st July

Thank you to all of you who came and helped or supported the Summer Fair – it was a gorgeous day!  This week in science we will be looking at the human body, labelling different parts and writing sentences to say what they different parts are for. In maths Miss Bartlett’s class will be learning […]

Week beginning 24th June

Sports Day is here! KS1 Sports Day will begin at 1.30pm on Tuesday afternoon. As the weather looks very warm for that day, sun cream and water bottles and hats will be needed. The children will be sitting under gazebos, so that should help keep them a bit cooler. Children should wear their PE kits […]

Week beginning 17th June

This week we will be doing some writing about ourselves: likes, dislikes, hobbies etc. We are also continuing to practice common spellings (thank you for your support with this!) such as numbers and colours – we are doing some in handwriting, as the joins help with remembering the spellings. In maths, Miss Snowden’s class will […]

Week beginning 10th June

This is the week of the Phonics Screening Check and so the children will not be moving into their new phonics groups until next week. They probably won’t notice the screening check itself very much as it only takes a few minutes and is very similar to the regular phonics practice that they are already […]

Week beginning 20th May

On Tuesday next week we will be going on our visit to the Earth Trust. Currently the weather looks to be fine during the day, so the children should wear a school sweatshirt/cardigan, strong shoes or trainers and bring a water bottle. There will be long grass and possibly brambles/nettles in places, so it would […]

Week beginning 13th May

Next week, in literacy, we will be continuing to write recounts of weekly activities and will begin learning the spellings of days of the week. In maths, we will be learning to recognise quarters of shapes or quantities. ‘Hit the button’ (see link below) is good practice for halving quantities: In science, we will […]

Week beginning 7th May

Next week in literacy we are starting some work on writing recounts of personal experiences – beginning with a recount of the children’s Bank Holiday activities (assuming it stops raining for long enough to do any!) Thank you all for your continued support with with spellings and phonics practice – we can see the improvement […]

Week beginning 29th April

It’s hard to believe that it’s nearly May, let’s hope it warms up soon! Thank you for your support with the reading and spelling activities the children were really confident and seemed to enjoy showing what they knew. The next installment should have arrived home today. Next week we are continuing our literacy work on […]

Week beginning 22nd April

This term our main focus will be plants and we will all be growing our own beans as well as any other seeds that come our way! The children will be keeping a diary of the progress of their beans and making observations of any changes that occur. We will also be learning to distinguish […]

Week beginning 11th March

The signs of Spring are definitely present! We are looking forward to being able to spend more time outside now the weather is a little warmer! Thank you again, for everyone who sent in tubes and cardboard in preparation for STEM week this week. We are really excited to spend the whole week focused on […]