Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 17th June

This week we will be doing some writing about ourselves: likes, dislikes, hobbies etc. We are also continuing to practice common spellings (thank you for your support with this!) such as numbers and colours – we are doing some in handwriting, as the joins help with remembering the spellings.

In maths, Miss Snowden’s class will be exploring volume and capacity and Miss Bartlett’s class will be learning about mass, with lots of practical activities (fingers crossed for dryer weather!) 

In PE we will be practising different races in preparation for Sports Day next Tuesday afternoon. Now might be a good time to check that your child’s trainers still fit! In geography we will be talking about our walk last week, then looking at maps and finding the route. We will also be spotting the different symbols that you see on maps and learning what they mean.

Computing and science will be looking at animals: in science we will be looking at animal diets and sorting them into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores; in computing we will be learning how to use the internet to search and collect images (pictures of fish). This will include some discussion of internet safety – what to do if you find an image that causes you concern.

In DT we will be learning how to make sliders and use them to create a picture with moving parts.

Miss Bartlett’s class will be swimming on Wednesday.


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