Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 7th May

Next week in literacy we are starting some work on writing recounts of personal experiences – beginning with a recount of the children’s Bank Holiday activities (assuming it stops raining for long enough to do any!) Thank you all for your continued support with with spellings and phonics practice – we can see the improvement in the children’s confidence.

Maths will be learning about simple fractions – beginning with understanding what a half is – and being able to find half of a shape, object or quantity. As a happy coincidence, we now have our Maths Made Clear videos which can help you to support your child’s learning, so here is a link to a segment about halves:

In geography we will be continuing to learn about the countries of the UK as well as using aerial photos and Google Earth to support the children to develop their understanding of physical features such as mountains, rivers, forests and beaches. In science, now that our beans are growing, we will be measuring and observing their progress as well as getting outside to work on our plant recognition skills.

In art we will be continuing with our various practical skills: plaiting, threading, weaving and tying knots. We are still collecting any spare shoe boxes or similar sized boxes you may have at home to make simple looms.

Miss Snowden’s class will be swimming next week.


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