Next week is STEM week (science, technology engineering and maths) and the theme is Adaptation and Change. In Year 1 we will be looking at change from two angles: changes in state (especially freezing and melting) and also seasonal change and the signs of spring. We will be learning about solids and liquids and their characteristics. We will also investigate which materials melt (especially the tasty ones!), and whether we can slow down or speed up the melting of of water. On Wednesday we will have a workshop on magnets and on Friday we will make chocolate nests!
In the afternoons we will collect some frogspawn from the pond to observe, and get outside to see what plants and animals – and the weather – are up to at this time of year.
Maths will be learning to measure in centimetres. The Air and Earth teams will be at Forest Camp on Monday and PE is on Wednesday afternoon. Now that the weather is warming up, it is a good idea to check the labels on your child’s clothing as sweatshirts etc are often left on the playground after breaktimes.
The Year 1 Team