In the coming week we will be reassessing our current phonics groups in preparation for next term. Thank you for the story videos that you have sent in they were very entertaining – keep sending them in! Everyone seems very tired at the moment so we will take things slowly for the last week of term.
In maths we will be working on doubles – didn’t fit it in last week ! – and subtraction by counting back. In RE we will be looking at different creation stories from around the world and comparing them. We will also be finishing off our ebooks about the Three Little Pigs, some piggy illustrations are included below!
Next term there will be no swimming for Year 1, as some other year groups will be taking their turn in the pool, and our lessons will restart in term 5.
Next week it is Miss Snowden’s class swimming with the
one group from Miss Bartlett’s class. Forest Camp on Monday is for the Fire and Water teams.
The Year 1 Team