Welcome back and Happy New Year!
This term our focus will be on traditional tales like the Three Little Pigs in literacy, as we learn to retell familiar stories, draw story maps and talk about and draw the different characters. In handwriting we will be learning to form letters with join lines in preparation for attempting to join them. Thank you for your continued support with your child’s reading, the time you are spending really does make a difference.
Maths in the coming week is all about reading, writing and ordering the numbers to 20, using a variety of different equipment to make numbers to 20, and knowing how many tens and ones are in each number.
In computing we will be looking at ebooks and making illustrations for our own version of the story of The Three Little Pigs. The Oxford Owl website has a selection of ebooks available for free at different levels which your children may enjoy (some of them have activities or games that go with them). Here is the link: Oxford Owl
The login username is: readingrb, and the password is readingRB.
In RE we will be learning about different creation stories from around the world and the importance of respecting the beliefs of others. In history we will be finding out how transport has changed and the different ways that people travelled in the past.
This term PE will be gymnastics (still on Wednesdays) and using some of the large equipment in the hall. As it is much easier to climb when you have skin contact with bars/ropes etc, the children have been asked to come with shorts on under their tracky bottoms or leggings. Miss Snowdon’s class are swimming this week (still on Thursdays) along with the non-swimmers group, and Forest Camp (Mondays) this week is for the Water and Fire teams.
The Year 1 Team