Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 1st July

Thank you to all of you who came and helped or supported the Summer Fair – it was a gorgeous day! 

This week in science we will be looking at the human body, labelling different parts and writing sentences to say what they different parts are for. In maths Miss Bartlett’s class will be learning about place value working with numbers 1-100 and Miss Snowden’s class will be learning about money – identifying the different coins and notes and knowing their value.

In geography we will be talking about our likes and dislikes about our local area and what we could do to improve the place where we live. In DT we will be beginning our project to make a moving picture of an animal. This week we will be making drawings and prototypes to check if our ideas will work.

Now that the end of term is drawing nearer, we will be talking to the children about their move to Year 2 and giving them opportunities to tell us about any worries or questions they may have. This week we will make a list of all the questions they have about what Year 2 will be like and then we can set about finding the answers!

Miss Bartlett’s class will be swimming on Wednesday.


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