Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 24th June

Sports Day is here! KS1 Sports Day will begin at 1.30pm on Tuesday afternoon. As the weather looks very warm for that day, sun cream and water bottles and hats will be needed. The children will be sitting under gazebos, so that should help keep them a bit cooler. Children should wear their PE kits to school. Please do not come and speak to your child whilst they are sitting with their class. They are usually very excited and emotional already, and the sight of their favourite people often leads to tears. You can give them a big hug at the end of the day! 

Maths this week will be time (before/after, days of the week and months) for Miss Snowden’s class and volume and capacity for Miss Bartlett’s class. In science we will be learning about the different animals groups and having a go at sorting the animals ourselves. In DT we will be learning about levers and using them to make a simple moving picture. In computing we will be collecting pictures of birds and sorting them into two groups.

Miss Snowden’s class will be swimming this week and doing their water safety session, so the children will need to bring in a pair of pyjamas to wear in the water.


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