Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 10th June

This is the week of the Phonics Screening Check and so the children will not be moving into their new phonics groups until next week. They probably won’t notice the screening check itself very much as it only takes a few minutes and is very similar to the regular phonics practice that they are already used to. Whilst the check is going on, we will also be making Father’s Day cards and practising our joined up handwriting which is coming along nicely!

Maths this week is all about o’clock time and so to begin with we will be making clock faces that we can use to practice telling the time with. In science we will be comparing pairs of animals and talking about their similarities and differences. In geography we are beginning a block of work on our local area by going for a walk around Sonning Common, visiting the park and spotting local landmarks.

DT this term will be learning about levers and sliders and using them to make moving pictures. This week we will be looking at a selection of books with moving parts to give us some ideas.

Miss Snowden’s class will be swimming on Wednesday.


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