Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 13th May

Next week, in literacy, we will be continuing to write recounts of weekly activities and will begin learning the spellings of days of the week.

In maths, we will be learning to recognise quarters of shapes or quantities. ‘Hit the button’ (see link below) is good practice for halving quantities:

In science, we will be learning to recognise common trees and making observations  and measurements of our bean seedlings. Geography will be learning in more detail about the different countries that make up the UK (their flags, main cities etc).

Next term will start with a theme week to raise the children’s awareness of the different kinds of jobs that people do. If your job is something that you are happy to come in and talk about, or you know someone who would, please do let us know!

Miss Bartlett’s class will be swimming next week


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