Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


A good week in Year Five

What does a good week look like? As we always say, we put ‘happy children’ at the top of all our lists. We hope we have achieved that this week – there has been a nice lively atmosphere, and lots of work has been completed. The start of the week in literacy saw them recreate […]

Happy New Year from Year Five

We have had a really good week, and everyone seems to have come back refreshed from their break.  The ‘extra’ week at the start of January was great. This week, literacy has focused on writing instructions.  We started with some of the basic features, and your children were quickly into writing out full instructions.  Some […]

Thank you

Dear Year Five Parents and Families Firstly, thank you for your support over the first two terms.  We have thoroughly enjoyed working with your children, and we are happy with the progress we are all making. Secondly, thanks for supporting our events and trips so far this year.  Last night, in particular, was a spectacular […]

Nearly there…!

This week has seen us mark getting close to the end of term with a little bit of end of term testing.  Low stress stuff we hope, but obviously a useful marker for us in Reading and Maths, and an indicator of where we need to focus efforts in the new year. Additionally, Literacy involved […]

End of week 6 in Year Five

Yes – unbelievably, six weeks have already passed since half term.  Less than two to go. Please can we remind you that your child may have Forest Camp on Monday.  Please check the email, sent to Dr Loader’s class, earlier in the week.  Your child should know which week they are going.  It is broadly […]

Week Four in Year Five

We can safely say we have had another productive week here in Year Five. Particular highlights this week included this morning’s Big Write. It was based on a short film called ‘French Roast’, about a man in a cafe who didn’t want to admit he hadn’t got the money for his drink.  We watched half […]

Another busy week in Year Five

This week has seen a major writing task take place – a diary entry covering the escape of Jim Jarvis (the street child) from the workhouse. There was plenty of preparation – each day has seen one or more chapters read out loud, with associated tasks.  Usually this has involved imagining, writing or drawing aspects […]

Year Five – Milestones and more…

As most of the talk this week has been about today’s trip, we will focus on that.  Quite a bit of other work has also happened – including more work on Street Child (Jim’s escape from the workhouse), plenty of maths on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, as well as topic work […]

Year Five trip to Milestones

We are looking forward to the trip to Milestones in Basingstoke on Friday 10th November. The details: Milestones Museum Victorian Experience In normal school time Please wear school uniform (NOT PE kit) Bring a packed lunch Bring plenty to drink Please prepare travel sickness medicine if required (and give it in plenty of time for […]

Week 1 in Year Five

Year Five have enjoyed starting their Victorians topic this week.  A major focus is the reading of Street Child, by Berlie Doherty, which tells the story of Jim and his family.  We have a range of literacy activities which build on specific chapters – which this week included writing from the point of view of […]