Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Open Days for secondary schools

We know a lot of parents are already thinking about their child’s move to secondary school in September 2025 as the application process starts at the beginning of Year 6.  You will get more information about the process in September, but meanwhile we have a list of all the local open mornings/afternoon/evenings that we know […]

End of Term 4

Many thanks for your support to your children, and to us, this term. We feel we have accomplished more or less what we set out to at the start of Term 4, but we also hope that we have tweaked things and been flexible where appropriate.  The best-laid plans are adaptable ones. We have got […]

Penultimate Week in Year Five

Well that is Week 5 done – it was great to meet you all this week and update you on your child’s progress. Literacy was focused on getting the biographies finished.  Although several of the chosen subjects seemed a little young to be having a biography written about them, the end results were OK.  It […]

Term 4 Week 4 – Year Five

Apologies for the late posting.  Heavy week and busy Friday. Your children have been researching and planning biographies this week.  They were actually given a choice – research and write up a biography of somebody, or write their autobiography.  We thought the latter might be popular, but then we complicated it by saying that they […]

Year Five do Shakespeare!

We had the rare privilege this morning of two hours spent watching the Young Shakespeare Company do their thing in the school hall.  The assembled ranks of Y5 and Y6 children were, at various times through the morning, the English army at Agincourt, the French army at Agincourt, the courts of King Henry V and […]

Year Five visit Maidenhead Mosque

Parents The highlight of this week was definitely our visit on Wednesday.  Thank you for supporting the trip. Islam, Christianity and Sikhism are the three main faiths that we study in Year Five, so the trip fitted in well. After removing our shoes in the vestibule, we were shown into a large space just outside […]

Term 4 Week 1 in Year Five

We’ve had a busy and productive week in Year Five. Maths this week has moved on to decimals and will tackle percentages too.  Obviously the topic is perfectly linked to very real-life examples – especially around money (tenths and hundredths) and time (sometimes shown in thousandths – e.g. F1 lap times).  It is important that […]

End of Term Three in Year Five

Have a relaxing and enjoyable half term. Although Term 3 is a short one, it has been busy, and this week has been no exception. And the sickness bug has really hit us, with seven off in one class for a couple of days, and nine off in the other.  We were counting them in […]

Ancient Greek week

Naturally, Ancient Greek Day has occupied most of our thoughts this week. It was very successful, and as we said to your children at the end of the day, the stars of the show are not the organiser, the staff or the parent helpers.  The stars are the children themselves, because if they do not […]

Greek Myths in Year Five

That’s right – we are now re-writing the end of the myth of Prometheus and Pandora.  Maybe she won’t open the box at all?  Some have her trying to destroy the box by drowning it, or throwing it off the top of Mount Olympus!  And there are a variety of horrors waiting to emerge from […]