Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week 4 in Year Five

A good week in Year Five, but… …we turned our attention a bit to Year Six this afternoon. It was a PSHE session on transition, looking at hopes and worries for next year, and some discussion of roles and responsibilities when you are at the top end of the school.  Your children are looking forward […]

Year Five this week

Let’s work backwards for a change. This afternoon has seen us playing cricket.  It has been hot too, which makes a big change.  What we find with cricket is that it can be intensely frustrating (especially because it requires skills which are difficult to learn), but that one good shot, or one good ball bowled […]

Year Five Week Two

After the excitement of Theme Week, this one was a little more predictable. The highlight has definitely been the playscripts, several of which might have made it home this afternoon. We studied two short plays out of our Read, Write, Inc. textbook which, although useful for illustrating the basics were, to be honest, dull as […]

Theme Week in Year Five

Your children have had an excellent week. It was Theme Week and as you know this year’s theme was ‘Jobs and Careers’. Practically this involved the normal curriculum being interrupted on Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning, and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Children were asked to opt for two job choices, and spent two sessions on each […]

Year 5 – End of Term 5

We’ve made it through to the end of our fifth term together. Time really does fly when we are all enjoying ourselves. Especially this week.  Please see below for an example of the Mayan masks.  They have turned out really well.  We were going to display them here, but they are tricky to hang on […]

Year Five Week Five

Year Five have had a busy week. The early part of the week was spent finishing off the debate topics – writing them up into something more formal.  The children also produced some excellent posters which were designed to be a visual version of the spoken debate – A3 sheets with lots of speech bubbles […]

Debate Week in Year Five

This House Believes that all 10-year-olds should bring a mobile phone to school. This House Believes that SATs should be scrapped. This House Believes that it would be good to be famous. These were our three debating topics (spread across the two classes) yesterday.  There was a fair bit of preparation during the week, including […]

Another Toby in Year Five!

When we asked the children for their happy news this week, the overwhelming favourite moment was when our latest Toby paid us a visit. We were honoured that Miss Brakspear made us her first port of call.  Toby is a beautiful little boy and although he slept through everyone coming to say hello, it was […]

Year Five – week 2

Well, we’ve got to start with the muffins! Your young people really rose to this particular challenge.  Please see the pictures below, and thank you for your short-notice sourcing of the ingredients.  The children were fully up to speed with everything, and the right people brought the right stuff in. We had to remember that […]

The week in Year Five

Welcome back – we hope you all had a wonderful Easter break.  We certainly did. We have had a week of consolidation. The curriculum says that we have to teach ‘non-chronological reports’.  Alongside ‘fronted adverbials’ and ‘subitising’, this is a bit of primary school gobbledegook that seems designed to confuse everyone rather than inspire anyone. […]