Dear Parents and Carers,
And so we have it, another term done and dusted.
We have spent our Literacy lessons brushing up on the various skills that we need to demonstrate a sound level of reading comprehension, focusing on two different texts – ‘Momotaro,’ a myth from Japanese culture, and an information text about the Winter Games. We also had a brief look at a passage from ‘The Wind In The Willows.’ After half term we will turn our attention to another story (‘This Is Not A Fairy Tale’ by Jeremy Strong), where we will work on making predictions, describing characters and using punctuation correctly within speech marks.
Maths saw us begin and conclude our work on statistics. In particular, we studied and plotted points on line graphs, and learnt how to read and interpret tables, two- way tables and timetables, which was mostly very impressive. After the break we will revisit fractions, starting with multiplying them and mixed numbers by whole numbers.
We have also reached the end of some of our afternoon topics this week. We ended our unit on Ancient Greece by learning about the drama of the Trojan War, and finished our work on gymnastic sequences in PE (please note – both of our PE lessons will be outdoors from the first Monday back). Our outdoor PE lesson also saw some finishing, this time of the scoring hoops variety in basketball as we played out some attack versus defence scenarios.
We added to our architectural drawing skills in Art, this time by drawing diagonal lines from corner to corner to form an ‘x’ shape, a point from which we produced some superb perspective drawing. We continued this idea of perspective through to our PSHE lesson, where we began our unit on economic well-being and hotly discussed the difference between needs and wants, a concept the children did their best to stick to when presented with a £50 budget to spend on a range of items.
Tuesday’s date, February 11th, was recognised nationally as ‘Safer Internet Day.’ The children observed this in their Computing lesson on Thursday, when they made a list of five internet safety issues and discussed the importance of password encryption.
Well done to those who represented us at yesterday’s football tournament. Hopefully those who were playing for SCPS for the first time took a lot from it, and those who are more experienced in this area enjoyed their successes too!
To finish, if you find yourself with a few spare moments over the break, it would be great if you could please follow us on one of our social media profiles to help share the word about all of the wonderful and interesting things we have going on at SCPS.
Have a great half term,
The Y5 Team