Dear Parents/Carers,
We have reached the end of the first full week back at school, and it has been a busy one.
In Literacy, the children have studied prepositions and learnt how to use them, before drafting their own instructions – with a focus on editing the time words and bossy verbs – on how to make a flatbread. On Friday, we put those instructions into action, and the end product was some delicious flatbreads that most of the children enjoyed. Thanks to those who lent rolling pins, mixing bowls and such like. Next week, the children will be writing up their our own instructions based on their experience of making a flatbread from scratch.
Maths has also seen the children having a go at a range of activities this week. They have been multiplying using the grid method and long multiplication using numbers of different digits, and have also practised their division skills. Next week the emphasis will be on solving word problems and other multiplication and division related tasks.
As usual, the afternoons have also been full of discussions about the world around us, both now and in the past. In Topic, the children continued to work their way through Ancient Greece by learning about how decisions were made through the use of democracy, and compared this approach to democracy in the UK today. The children have also had a go at a gravity inspired experiment in Science, designed their own futuristic houses in Art, and were thrilled to use the apparatus in the hall (who knew that equipment such as monkey bars and swinging ropes could bring such joy?!) when performing some gymnastic moves in PE, and experimented with semaphore flags to communicate in Computing.
Important dates for next week:
Monday 20th January, 7.30pm: PTA AGM in the school hall
Friday 24th January: Y5 Ancient Greek Day – thank you to those who have signed up to help so far.
Have a great weekend,
The Y5 Team