Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week 6 in Year Five

‘The chocolate screaming at me to eat it…’

‘Wicked witches wailing in the sky…’

‘The biggest booming bonfire as hot as lava…’

‘Demons pull everything into endless eternity…’

‘I shout my barbaric yawp through the earth…’

Poetry week in Year Five.  And not at all bad either.  We finished up today with writing the poems in neat and decorating them – they were mostly very good, and Miss Brakspear has put together a wonderful display of the week’s work – acrostics, shape poems, Black History Month poems, and sonnets.

Maths has seen the end of the addition and subtraction unit for a while, with a move onto (guess what?) multiplication and division next.  Our scheme (White Rose Maths) deals with these topics in great depth, and we augment our teaching with real-world examples where possible.

Geography looked at climate and biomes this week, and in Computing there was a one-off session on manipulating images.  We use a simple tool called Photofiltre which is great for cropping, resizing and applying filters to images.  Almost a life skill these days with the need to add photos to documents.  The app is free.  Next week children will add their own edited images to their 3D art galleries.

Finally, we had a great afternoon entertaining the Open Day visitors with some basketball (Mr Andrews) and some drama, masterminded by Madame Baillie.

One more week of Term 1 to go – have a quiet weekend and see you on Monday.

Y5 Team


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