Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Welcome to Year Five


We are very happy to welcome you and your child to our Year Five community.  We hope you have had a great summer.

We are pleased to report that your children have returned happy and motivated today – and have made a great start.

We will try to keep you updated briefly – here – each week on current plans and activities – usually on a Friday.  For more substantial trips or visits we will send a separate ParentMail.

We are looking forward to seeing you for a brief curriculum and timetable sharing session on Monday evening – 11th September – at 5.00pm.  The Google Meet link will be sent to you later this week.  We will obviously be happy to answer any questions and address any concerns.

Kind regards,

Tom Andrews, Rupert Loader, Kate Casserley, Karen Lowe, Niki Brakspear, Michelle Howey and Lisa Baillie

The Year Five Team


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