Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Year 5 2024-25: Term 3 Week 3

Dear Parents and Carers,

By now we are sure that you would have heard some interesting stories about our wonderful Ancient Greek Day today, provided for us by History Off The Page. This followed on from our Topic lesson this week which focused on the creation and evolution of the Olympic Games. The children were superb, enthusiastic and participated well in both sessions. A big thank you to those who gave up their time to support us over the course of the day – much appreciated.

Over the rest of the week, we made good progress with our Literacy units. We are now finished with our instruction writing – where the children showed a good recall of how to make their own Greek flatbread – and have begun studying the long awaited Greek myths, beginning with studying the common plot points between Prometheus and Pandora and Arachne the Weaver. We will continue this next week, where we will hear about the adventures of Daedalus and Icarus before moving on to revisit similes, metaphors and alliteration.

Maths has seen us practising short division – with and without remainders – and having a go at solving some word problems. With this, there are lots of questions that need to be asked, such as What is the important information here? Is there a type of sum that I need to do? How can I tell if this a 1-step or 2-step question? More opportunities to practise these will appear throughout the rest of Year 5. Coming up next week will be an introduction to perimeter and area.

The afternoons have also taken on their usual range of activities. Art saw us investigate the colourful work of the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser before creating our own freehand sketches of buildings using pastels, while Computing provided the chance to get used to Morse Code and how it works. There were also lessons on friction in Science, mirroring gymnastic moves in PE and singing along to new assembly songs in Music.

To finish, a well done to those girls who played so well in the 2-1 win over All Saints in Monday night’s football match. The match report can be found in then ‘Sports’ section of our website.

Enjoy the weekend,

The Y5 Team


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